Cycling / Cycling infrastructure / Cycling Tourism / Network planning

Cycling Tourism - last month, our colleague Moniek Jansen became a Certified EuroVelo Route Inspector!  

“As a EuroVelo cycling route inspector, I combine my expertise as a Dutch Active Transport Planner with the European Certification Standard (ECS) methodology. This way, I can help governments, road authorities, tourism organizations, and other stakeholders with improving and certifying the (touristic) cycling network according to the highest quality EU standards.” – Moniek

Last month, Moniek Jansen participated in the EuroVelo Inspector Training of the European Cycling Federation (ECF). She now is officially certified to inspect, survey, and certify EuroVelo routes throughout Europe!  

From wheels to wallets: cycling tourism boosts multiple sectors  

Did you know that cycling tourism in Europe has an estimated value of more than €44 billion per year, an amount which is greater than the European cruise ship industry? A study commissioned by the European Parliament estimates that the EuroVelo network, once it’s finished, will generate €7 billion of direct revenue each year.  

As the wheels of progress turn, cycling tourism is combining sustainability, local economic vitality, and the joy of exploring different landscapes at a slower pace. Cycling tourism is more than just a leisurely pedal through scenic landscapes; it’s a journey that breathes life into local economies, while offering travelers a healthy, fun, and environmentally friendly way to experience the world. 

EuroVelo: the world’s largest touristic cycle route network  

With 17 long-distance routes spanning the continent (90.000+ km), EuroVelo is among the best-known cycling tourism network in the world. From cultural attractions to breathtaking views, this network connects the best cycling routes and destinations across Europe.  

EuroVelo Cycle Route Network

EuroVelo map showing 17 long-distance routes throughout Europe (source:  

However, only 2% of the routes have been officially certified according to the European Certification Standards (ECS). Only EuroVelo Route 15, the Rhine Cycle Route, has been entirely certified. The other routes are developed with EuroVelo signs or developed at the national level, but not yet certified according to the highest EU quality standards. And this is where it becomes interesting. Only Certified Route Inspectors (like our colleague Moniek Jansen) can certify cycling routes according to the EU standards.  

EuroVelo Route Inspectors have been trained to use the European Certification Standard (ECS) methodology to assess the quality of cycle routes.” – European Cyclist Federation 

How does it work?  

To meet the EU standards, there are three pillars of quality assessment: infrastructure, services, and communications. 

The three pillars of EuroVelo route quality assessment (source: EuroVelo Handbook for Route Inspectors)

The three pillars of EuroVelo route quality assessment (source: EuroVelo Handbook for Route Inspectors) 

Who benefits from Certified Cycling Routes?  

Certification of the routes is important to attract more cycling tourists as it shows that the cycling routes align with the highest EU standards for safety, infrastructure, attractiveness, etc. This could be of interest for:      

  • Infrastructure authorities  
  • Cycle route managers  
  • Tourism authorities  
  • Transport departments 
  • Health departments 
  • Environmental agencies 
  • Economic Development  
  • Heritage and Culture departments 
  • Educational organisations 
  • EU funded partners and projects (e.g. Interreg)  
  • And many more  
Participants of the EuroVelo Route Inspector Training reviewing the infrastructure according to the European Certification Standard methodology for touristic cycling routes.
Participants of the EuroVelo Route Inspector Training reviewing the infrastructure according to the European Certification Standard methodology for touristic cycling routes.

Participants of the EuroVelo Route Inspector Training reviewing the infrastructure according to the European Certification Standard methodology for touristic cycling routes.  

“As a passionate cyclist and advocate for sustainable tourism, I am thrilled to share my expertise as a Sustainable Mobility Planner at Mobycon and my knowledge as a Certified EuroVelo Route Inspector. With a deep understanding of route assessment, sustainable tourism practices, and safety protocols, I am committed to ensuring that every cyclist enjoys a safe, enjoyable, and unforgettable journey along cycling routes.” 

Moniek Jansen

Ready to collaborate with us to ensure that your (touristic) cycling routes are safe, enjoyable, and environmentally sustainable according to the EU guidelines? Reach out to us to connect! 

Moniek jansen">

Moniek Jansen

Sustainable Mobility Consultant 

‘The private use of cars still dominates the street scene. This individualistic and environmentally unfriendly form of mobility is increasingly inconsistent with our sustainable, social and accessibility goals. Within Mobycon, I work on stimulating cycling and other smart, innovative mobility solutions that increase the liveability of an area.’


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