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Mobycon Masterclasses bring Dutch expertise to the UK

Back in March, Eveline de Jong and Lennart Nout travelled to Bristol to deliver a Masterclass at the Public Health Sustainable Transport Summit. The class, Building for Bikes: The Dutch approach to junction design, gave attendees an in depth look into intersection design in the Netherlands. They examined how they work, how the Dutch approach integrated mobility in their road design and how that knowledge can be applied in a local context.

Eveline sharing some of the Dutch cycling history with the group. (Photo credit @BristolCycling)

Attendees came from backgrounds in transport planning and engineering, as well as councillors and policy makers from Bristol and neighbouring municipalities. The diverse group of professionals were first given a presentation explaining intersection design from a Dutch context. Eveline and Lennart focused on themes of general road design in the Netherlands, and then specific focus on intersections. They noted the benefits of the design approach in terms of road safety, an important focus for communities in the UK that have made commitments to Vision Zero. All elements of the design of junctions were discussed for their individual merits, including a brief look at roundabouts, but with particular focus more on protected intersections.

Putting lessons into action

Following the presentation, the group were then asked to put these lessons into action. Using an junction in Bristol as the starting point, attendees were broken up into smaller cohorts to redesign it into a Dutch intersection, applying the principles Lennart and Eveline had shown them. It was an excellent opportunity to really examine how earlier intersection design standards often failed to provide ample safety for people on foot and cycles. By recreating the junction to reflect those in the Netherlands, they could see just how these principles improve the comfort of all road users and eliminates stress at intersections.

Throughout the masterclass, attendees were encouraged to ask questions, ensuring they were informed enough to take the lessons presented back with them to their daily professions. Some asked about the experience of pedestrians in the intersection, how they had priority over cyclists, and how they are positioned on the outside of the protected intersection. There were also questions about roundabout designs and how to connect the road design to the intersection.

Taking their new knowledge home

Overall, the event was a success, with all attendees actively participating and eager to understand and implement their new knowledge in the UK/local context. The masterclass was offered through collaboration with Landor Links – the conference organizers – who confirmed a lot of positive feedback after the workshop. For Lennart and Eveline, it was an excellent opportunity to share their knowledge of what works in the Netherlands to help improve conditions elsewhere.

More Masterclasses to Come!

We’re so pleased with the success of the March event that we are teaming up with Landor Links for four more masterclasses in the fall of 2019! The first two will be offered during the Cycle County Active County conference in Essex on the 5th and 6th of September. There, we will run The Dutch Approach to Junction Design again, along with The Dutch Approach to Roundabout Design following many requests during and after the March session. Registration is open now for these sessions and you can find more information here.

The junction design masterclass will also be offered later in the year at the International Healthy Streets Summit in Glasgow the 10th of October and Cycling and Walking Innovations in Manchester the 4th of December. Follow us to stay up-to-date on future course offerings.


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