Streetsketch is based on the great work by the team behind Streetmix, we adapted it to match Dutch design principles and gave it a more European flavour (hello red bicycle lanes). This makes it easy for any street designer to rapidly prototype innovative, Dutch inspired ideas. Ideas that involve brick paving, bicycle streets and shared spaces.

By combining an open source tool with Dutch design principles, we have made it easy for any street designer to rapidly prototype their ideas. Even ideas that involve brick paving, bicycle streets and shared spaces.

Key features of Streetsketch include:

  • Highly intuitive drag-and-drop web interface
  • 20 different types of customisable street elements
  • Exact measurements (both metric and imperial)
  • Designs that are easy to share, print or save locally
  • 100% free for anyone to use

Because Streetsketch is so easy to use, it is a tool that doesn’t simply benefit professional designers. Anyone with a new vision for a street can use Streetsketch to visualize it.

This means that Streetsketch actively promotes:

  • Creating a common design language between designers and clients
  • Facilitating a meaningful exchange of ideas in a consultation process
  • Empowering citizens to share their own ideas

Click here to use Streetsketch!

If you would like to learn more about how you can use Streetsketch in your organization, feel free to reach out to our team at