BITS / ITS / Mobility

BITS Project Summary

The timeline of the BITS (Bicycles & Intelligent Transport Systems) project did not allow us to compile a reflection. Therefore, we took it upon ourselves to initiate this effort, resulting in the booklet below.

This booklet showcases the key outcomes and lessons from the BITS project. It serves as an inspiration for future initiatives in the field of sustainable transportation.

This concise overview of the BITS project was written by Robin Kleine, Ronald Jorna, and Veronique Rietman. Giorgia Berrevoets, Stephen Kurz, and Annelot van Mourik supported us in the design of the booklet and its editing.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Province of Overijssel, the main partner in this project, who entrusted us with project management. Their guidance was essential to the success of the project. We are grateful to Interreg North Sea Region for their crucial financial support, without which the BITS project would not have been possible. We also thank the BITS project partners for their joint efforts: the municipality of Zwolle, the University of Oldenburg, Baron Mobility Service GmbH, the city of Aarhus, the city of East Riding, VIVES University of Applied Sciences, the city of Bruges, the province of Antwerp, Cycling Industries Europe, Shared Bike Netherlands, and Cycle Data.


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