Green Light for Two Wheels

On behalf of the Province of Overijssel, Ronald Jorna and Robin Kleine, both consultants at Mobycon in the Netherlands, were the project managers of the Interreg North Sea funded Bicycles and ITS project (BITS). After four years this project comes to an end. The global magazine ‘ITS International’ published an article in which both consultants reflect on the experiences of the BITS project and how ITS can become the digital layer for cycling, while at the same time giving cycling data an equal status to motorised traffic data.



Robin Kleine

Mobility Advisor

‘In my work I support projects for passenger transport, chain mobility and research. My interest in the field of mobility is broad, meaning I can quickly understand and adapt to new topics.’


July 2024

Mobility from a Sojourner’s Perspective 

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Strategic Planning for a More Active Future

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The Dutch Design from a North American Perspective

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Internship Opportunity - Cycling and Sustainable Mobility in the DACH-region (German speaking)

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Mobycon at Velo-City 2024! 

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Mobycon at ITE Canada 2024 Annual Conference! 

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