Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

mobilitiet mobycon

MaaS is getting a lot of attention lately. And rightly so! By offering travellers an app that allows easy access to all mobility options, we are creating an attractive alternative to the car.

Handy app

What Spotify is for music, and Netflix for TV, MaaS is for our mobility. You get what you want when you want. Public transit, bike share, taxi, car share, carpool and all types of hybrid mobility concepts can be connected to an attractive, seamless system which you can reach with your smartphone. Conveniently, you also use yourl phone to plan, order and pay. A system that will be accessible for everyone. How’s that for progress?

Smart mobility solutions

MaaS offers great opportunities for Mobycon’s mission: pushing back our dependency on the car in society.  Mobycon is therefore involved in a number of MaaS developments already.

The biggest challenge is how to translate the big promise of MaaS into concrete actions in cities and regions. And how does the customer react to MaaS? Although those questions have not been fully answered, we already have a lot more insight in the opportunities and governmental interest in MaaS.

Developments in the Netherlands

Mobycon has deep insights into the mobility market. We know how we can make connections and cooperations between the government and the market. This knowledge is valuable. On top of that, we are, through the European CIPTEC-project, well informed about the international developments in MaaS. We guide processes and manage cooperation between the market and the government.

Martijn van de Leur and Otto Cazemier know everything about MaaS:



Otto Cazemier

Senior Advisor

‘I communicate tactical and practical strategies. Most of all, I am interested in traffic and transport processes where a variety of interests and stakeholders are involved. As a team player, I actively contribute to solutions and I am open to ideas from others.’


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