From June 15-18th, professionals and advocates working for better walking, cycling and placemaking will come together for the annual Walk Bike Places conference. This year’s hybrid event will include in-person programming in Indianapolis combined with online sessions from professionals around the world including Mobility Advisor Shelley Bontje and International Communications Specialist Melissa Bruntlett. Presenting on Dutch design and concepts and how they can be adapted to global contexts, both will provide insights on the value of creating communities that make the act of walking, cycling and staying in place enjoyable, comfortable and welcoming.
Presenters: Shelley Bontje and Melissa Bruntlett
Wednesday, June 16 @ 11:00 EST
Mobycon’s Mobility Donut is inspired on the ideas of economist Kate Raworth, encapsulated in the concept of the Doughnut Economy, a tool which can help us to get to a point where everyone’s need can be met without ruining our planet.
We see a parallel in the field of mobility, where we often encounter policies, interventions and/or redesigns that favor those who already have access to a plethora of travel choices – or excessive mobility – enabling those groups to travel even faster or more comfortably. At the same time there are children around the world – including in the Netherlands – who, due to low economic means, cannot participate in certain school activities. For example, not knowing how to cycle, use public transport or not having the means access it. In addition, we often encounter neighborhoods, downtown areas and intersections were the public space is so intensively used by more competent road users that children and elderly, among others, do not feel comfortable participating in traffic. These factors lead to what is called mobility poverty.
By introducing the Mobility Donut, we want to contribute to the dialogue about social and environmentally friendly mobility systems for all. The Mobility Donut is a tool which enables cities and towns to measure the impact of mobility on social and environmental grounds – where is there already too much, where is there not enough, and how can we find balance. We are determined to contribute to reaching the point in society where the transportation needs of everyone can be met, without reaching and exceeding the limitations of our own planet. We look forward to starting the conversation.
Presenters: Melissa Bruntlett and Chris Bruntlett (Dutch Cycling Embassy)
Thursday, June 17 @ 9:00 EST
Melissa and Chris take you on a cycling study tour through the city of Delft. Filmed from the handlebars of their bike, it will feel as though you are cycling along with our guides. The tour focuses on the post-war, more suburban-like parts of the city, including several moments to pause to look in greater detail at various design elements on the street level. In this interactive, 45-minute “virtual tour” of Delft the guides touch on the following topics:
The tour allows viewers to experience the streets in Delft’s more residential neighborhoods and how various treatments have created more walking, bikeable, and enjoyable communities.