Equity / Mobility / Sustainability

Connecting People for Sustainable Growth: Angela van der Kloof and Mama Agatha are heading to Washington DC

The holiday season is approaching; that time of the year in which I prefer to have little obligations and take time to reflect on the past year. I’m already looking forward to it. However, this time it will not just be looking back. The reason being that I have been invited, together with Agatha Frimpong (better known as the community mother Mama Agatha from Amsterdam Southeast), to participate in the Transforming Transportation 2020 conference co-hosted by the World Bank and WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, in Washington DC. On 17th January we will be speaking in the session that deals with the role of walking and cycling on the way to Zero Emission Mobility.

Mama Agatha and Angela at the FietsLab Gelderland Kick-Off (Photo credit: Femke Hulshof)

I am very excited to kicking off a new decade in this way, together with Agatha. We will take the opportunity to share our view on cycling for everyone and discuss how keeping this view in mind can help national governments and cities achieve their larger goals on climate change and sustainable development. Through a lens of transport equity all cities can start changing mobility and accessibility for the better of all people.

If you will be attending the conference and would like to connect with Agatha or myself to learn more about our work, please contact me.


Angela van der Kloof

Strategic Advisor

‘Planning, promotion and education for cycling are great tools that contribute to making places thrive, people participate and be healthy, as well as to the quality of the living environment.’


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