Cycling / Mobility / New member

Meet Anna Luten!

My name might ring a bell. I was lucky to become the first Bicycle Mayor of Amsterdam and the first in the world in 2016. At that time, the program was just an idea, and over the years, I’ve been actively involved to get it where it is today.

At the same time, I was a Brand Manager for Liv, a female cycling brand under Giant. Our aim was to disrupt a primarily sales-driven, male-dominated bicycle industry through a fresh and female-first focus. Designing bicycles and gear for women was much needed, and while we met some resistance at first, I think we’ve left our mark on the industry as a whole. 

At Liv, I had the privilege of introducing many women to the joy of cycling. It was more than teaching: it was about empowering them to take that first ride and experience the freedom it brings. 

As empowering as it was for those first timers, it was empowering for me as well. It helped me overcome my fear of riding after a serious crash. This experience deepened my empathy for those hesitant to cycle, whether due to safety concerns or personal barriers. These same concerns and barriers are broadly apparent in the USA, where I live today. 

From Amsterdam to Brooklyn, New York 

Growing up near Amsterdam with a Dutch dad and a Finnish mom taught me early on that different perspectives can enrich your understanding. Living in NYC, where the world comes together in one vibrant city, has further opened my eyes, and the diversity in each neighborhood inspires me daily. 

After I arrived, I began exploring neighborhoods on foot, walking for hours every day. It took me two months to take a Citi Bike for the first time. I was hesitant to bike at first, but once I did, it was magical, offering freedom to explore much more of the city. 

Exploring Citi Bike for the first time. 

Cycling here requires an increased awareness of potholes, car doors, and the simple assumption that you are invisible to drivers. However, NYC is a great cycling city. It is primarily flat and easy to navigate. Unlike Amsterdam, bike paths are not crowded (yet). 

People assume I ride my bike daily, but honestly, it has been weeks since I’ve been riding. That’s also because I love NYC’s various transit options. It’s great to be able to choose between my feet, my bike, the subway, or the occasional Uber, depending on the weather, distance, and time. 

Why I joined Mobycon 

I joined Mobycon because of the shared vision, the incredible team, and the great diversity of backgrounds. Mobycon had been on my radar for a couple of years already, and when this opportunity came up, I was excited to jump on board! Combining my Dutch roots and professional background with living in the USA for almost a decade helped me hit the ground running. 

My motivation extends beyond just being a part of the team; I’m very motivated to make a real difference in the world my kids live in. Joining a company dedicated to reshaping the places where we live while making them less dependent on cars is a great way to make an impact. With Mobycon, I can help transform our communities into safer, more enjoyable places. 

This image captures the days when my block was reborn, cars weren’t allowed to drive through, and the streets grew into play zones.

A little bit more about me 

I’m curious to explore new places, try new foods, and constantly learn. Since moving to NYC, I’ve worked for several brands ranging from start-ups to big corporates in various industries, with the focus on improving overall brand awareness and boosting marketing initiatives. 

As an advocate for safer streets in NYC and a member of the advisory board of Transportation Alternatives I’m happy to have joined a company that shares my ambition. 

What’s Next? 

I look forward to sharing Mobycon’s vision, mission, and work more broadly with the world. Mobycon has a wealth of knowledge but is humble, perhaps sticking to that Dutch belief that keeping things simple is often best. Keep an eye out! 

With my kids growing up, I feel a strong urge to make our streets safer for the younger generations. If we teach them to navigate safely through our streets, we can inspire them to drive even more change down the road. It’s about setting them up with a safer today for a smarter tomorrow. 

As someone who welcomes change and aims to bridge gaps, I see an exciting journey ahead. 

Reach Out! 

Please contact us if you’d like to chat. We are looking forward to meeting you! 

Stepping into a Carwash… 

Me trying a new delivery bicycle.


Anna Luten

Integrated Mobility and Marketing Advisor

‘Keep learning, stay open-minded, and every journey offers something new. Sometimes, stepping back is the key to moving forward.’


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Mobycon at Velo-City 2024! 

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