
Mobycon in Quebec: Vivre en Ville Forum

Next week, Vivre en Ville is hosting a forum in Quebec City on Developing the Peaceful City: For Safe And Friendly Streets Throughout Quebec. Communications and Engagement Advisor Melissa Bruntlett will be there to present on the Netherlands’ approach to traffic calming and how they can be applied in the North American context.

Good Streets: Where happiness and safety intersect

Date: Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Planning streets and public spaces that can be enjoyed by all ages and abilities requires balancing how people move through the space and the experience of spending time in it. Some of the most celebrated places around the world are those where this balance has been realized. Spaces that feel calm, inspire social contact, and make residents and visitors feel happy. Through a mixture of research and real-life examples of safe, well-designed streets from Europe and North America, Melissa will present why spaces designed for the safety and comfort of vulnerable road users can positively impact the well-being of all citizens no matter their age, gender, or ability.

Melissa Bruntlett

Communications and Engagement Advisor

Read the full program and register for the forum here.

Note: This event will be held in French!


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