The Cycling and Society symposium series was launched in 2004 at Lancaster University. The symposia are linked to the Cycling and Society Research Group whose members span many disciplines and approaches to the study of cycling. In a virtual format in 2020, this year’s symposium will take place september 10th and 11th and focuses on transformative approaches for cycling in a changing world. International Strategic Advisor Angela van der Kloof joins experts from the UK, Europe and North America to share her expertise both through her work and her PhD.
Thursday, 10 September; 11:30-12:30 BST
A growing number of cities are placing a higher importance on understanding gender as it relates to cycling planning and policies. However, many are not quite sure where to start, what information, guidance or data is available to support the decision making process, or how this can be used to create realistic, tangible policy. To generate discussion, Angela talks you through the mind map she has created to start contemplating how cities can create gender+ aware cycling policies. Exploring issues of awareness, potential existing bias’, cooperation and participation she provides five steps to creating these policies. In Thursday’s panel, participants will have the opportunity to provide their own insights and feedback to help further the discussion of gender+ aware cycling policies and give ideas on how to better establish these concepts within the policy development process.