
Viva La Bike Boom!: Mobycon hosts the E-Global Winter cycling Congress

Each year the Winter Cycling Federation organizes a Winter Cycling Congress showcasing the work of winter cycling experts and enthusiasts to help inspire all cities to enable and encourage cycling on the coldest, darkest days, and of course all year round. Due to continuing travel and physical distancing restrictions, this year’s event has moved online as the E-Global Winter Cycling Congress. Mobycon is proud to be sponsoring this important annual event, including hosting the livestream from our studio in Delft. Register today to experience winter cycling inspiration from cities around the world, hosted by Winter Cycling Federation board member and Strategic Advisor for Mobycon, Angela van der Kloof, and International Communication Specialist Melissa Bruntlett.

Pecha Kucha: Achieving Dutch street design in winter cities

Presenter: Stephen Kurz

Date and Time: Thursday, 11 February at 18:15 CET (12:15 EST)

Dutch cycling infrastructure is world renowned but implementing it can prove challenging in cities with heavier and more intense winters. However, this is not to say that there is nothing to be learned from Dutch winter maintenance practices. The CROW Design Manual for Bicycle Traffic is often quoted as the bible of Dutch bicycle infrastructure design standards, but the CROW has manuals on a variety of topics, including winter maintenance. Curious whether it could reveal potential lessons for winter maintenance abroad, I’ve reviewed it and come to a number of conclusions.

From how the Netherlands prioritizes A, B, and C-networks for maintenance and clearance, to types of snow clearing equipment and proper planning, Stephen uses the CROW Design manual to help viewers understand what can be learned from the Netherlands in their winter city. Although Dutch winters are by no means as strong as those in North America or Scandinavia, their maintenance process is still something from which cities abroad can learn.


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