The ThinkBike program, facilitated by the Dutch Cycling Embassy (DCE), brings Dutch experts to a location to lead an inspiring and dynamic workshop that encourages local leaders to think boldly about the role of bikes in their transportation networks. Mobycon excels in this role, contributing to transformative discussions and innovative designs for cycling infrastructure.
In Washington, D.C., Mobycon joined a team of professionals to lead a three-day ThinkBike workshop on rethinking network and intersection design in the capital. The team also included design expert Dick van Veen and “BYCS,” an Amsterdam-based global NGO supporting community-led urban change through cycling.
DC Department of Transportation staff from departments such as planning, transportation engineering, maintenance, and community oureach attended the workshop. ThinkBike’s cross-disciplinary nature invites a broad range of views and facilitates interactions between staff that may not otherwise occur.
Participants examined case studies, actively contributing to redesigning networks by reconsidering how to balance the needs of different modes. Mobycon supported this by presenting innovative but implementable design inspiration. The workshop’s focal point was the design of protected roundabouts, addressing specific challenges and opportunities at three locations in the District. The workshop also emphasized the critical importance of community engagement, discussing strategies to better connect with historically overlooked communities.
The designs created during the workshop and the surrounding discussions promise to inspire future designs for implementation.