New South Wales, Australia, has seen a surge in cycleway investment, but the capacity to design and deliver projects is lacking. The City of Sydney partnered with Mobycon and SMM to address this by providing capacity building and design services to support local governments in creating innovative street designs for active mobility.
In recent years, New South Wales, Australia, has seen a significant increase in investment in cycleways. While funding for this decarbonised transportation system is gaining momentum, local capacity of the consultancy firms and municipalities to design and deliver the large demand for multiple new cycleway projects is lagging.
The City of Sydney reached out to Mobycon to fill this knowledge gap through workshops and capacity building. To address this, Mobycon and Spackman Mossop Michaels (SMM) developed an inter-continental partnership that was officially announced in December 2022. For the official signing of our Memorandum of Understanding, Mobycon CEO Johan Diepens, Manager of International Strategy Lennart Nout, and Fergus McCarthy from SMM, were hosted by Julie Heckscher, the Head of Mission from the Australian Embassy in the Netherlands in The Hague.
The goal of this joint venture is to provide capacity building programs, design services, and products related to street design and active mobility projects. The collaboration between SMM and Mobycon is expected to support local governments in Australia to develop innovative and high-quality street designs in a complex urban mobility environment.