Research: The safety of protected Intersections and their use case for Germany (2021-2024) Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt)
Together with consultants Henk Schravemade and SHIFT, Mobycon won the assignment to form an expert team for traffic safety on behalf of the Dutch Province of Nord-Brabant. Partners of the Brabant Traffic Safety Plan (BVVP) can rely on the expert team for on-call support and advice. After a successful launch in 2022, Mobycon supported multiple municipalities in 2023 on traffic safety projects and activities. Mobycon led a training session on the new national road category GOW30 (a project to which Mobycon also contributed) with more than 35 planners and engineers, held consultations on the investment impulse of the Strategic Traffic Safety Plan, and provided strategic advice to municipalities. This support included developing a behavior change campaign, understanding funding opportunities, reviews of design proposals, and implementation of AI software to gather more accurate and robust data from traffic cameras.
Mobycon’s role on the expert team continues in 2024 and build on the success of 2023. Unfortunately, preliminary 2023 traffic safety data show that, despite all the efforts of Nord-Brabant and its municipal partners, there is still a lot of work to be done to make roads safe and inviting for all.