Research: The safety of protected Intersections and their use case for Germany (2021-2024) Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt)
Communications and Engagement Advisor Melissa Bruntlett partnered with Women Mobilize Women to support gender-inclusive mobility planning through the development of white papers, including a May 2022 publication, “The 15 Minute City: A Feminist Utopia?”
The Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) under its Women Mobilize Women (WMW) programme engaged Mobycon’s Communications and Engagement Advisor, Melissa Bruntlett, to provide gender and mobility content expertise. WMW’s objective is to analyse the gendered aspects of urban mobility, contributing to and raising awareness of gender-inclusive mobility among planners and decision-makers in the transport sector. As a WMW ambassador, Melissa Bruntlett supports this endeavour through the development of white papers, including a May 2022 publication, The 15 Minute City: A Feminist Utopia?, as well as managing international outreach, supporting the launch of various campaigns, such as the Gender Data Campaign in late 2022, and the Annual Remarkable Women Report. Looking into the future, feminist development policy and gender mainstreaming will be important dimensions to work on. Opportunities for knowledge sharing and capacity building for those who identify as women in the sector will continue to be a prioritised avenue. Study tours with high- level decision-makers from around the globe are one direction in which Mobycon is enthusiastic to pursue. Engaging in the improvement of the visibility and empowerment of women in the transport sector, Mobycon’s work with WMW can address the linkage between equitable transport and sustainable transport. Through this connection, a deeper understanding of what a feminist perspective means for the transport industry, and why it deserves more attention.