Safety, Sharing and Social Connection - Our Top Five Stories of 2019

2019 has been an exciting year for our international Mobycon team. We’ve grown the team to include a number of planners, designers and specialists with expertise from Canada, the UK, Luxembourg and Germany, launched our American office in Durham, North Carolina, and recently moved to a new Canadian home in Ottawa. We’ve also worked on some fantastic projects, building new relationships and strengthening existing ones with clients across Europe and North America.

As we look ahead to a busy and productive 2020, we wanted to take a moment to share with you our most read stories of 2019. Sign up for our bi-weekly newsletter to stay tuned for some interesting and exciting events and projects in 2020 and wishing you success for the coming year!

#1 – Photo Essay: The Three S’s of Dutch Cycling

Why do the the Dutch cycle? We think you can answer this question in three words: SimpleSafe and Sensible. With the help of a few pictures, we’ll show you why this is the case.



#2 – Following her Passions from Vancouver to Delft: Meet Melissa Bruntlett

If you spoke to Melissa Bruntlett in the summer of 2012 and told her where she would find herself in the spring of 2019, she would have laughed at the thought. After spending the seven years working in cycling advocacy in Vancouver, Canada, she now finds herself in an exciting position, joining Mobycon as their International Communications Specialist…



#3 – Everyone has the right to go home

Through personal experience, our communications specialists has come to have a greater appreciation of what the phrase, “Everyone has the right to go home,”actually means…



#4 – Pool-to-pool bike share: solving a real Dutch problem

Parking. It is a huge problem in many cities. Whether you have too much of it, or too little, everyone seems to have an opinion on it. The Netherlands is not a stranger to these discussions, but at our train stations, a parking problem of a very different kind is on the minds of policy makers…



#5 – The Five Pillars of Dutch Children Cycling

In the Netherlands, children cycle a lot, especially when compared to children in other countries. Almost 75% of school-aged children cycle to school; in Belgium that number is estimated at about 30% while in the UK and the US, estimates remain below 5%. Why do so many children cycle in the Netherlands? And how do we ensure that it stays that way, or rather keeps improving?



July 2024

Mobility from a Sojourner’s Perspective 

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July 2024

Strategic Planning for a More Active Future

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July 2024

Offre de stage - conseil en mobilités actives - Delft (Pays-Bas)

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July 2024

The Dutch Design from a North American Perspective

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June 2024

A Week at Velo-City: 2024 Recap

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June 2024

Meet Arianne Robillard!

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June 2024

Internship Opportunity - Cycling and Sustainable Mobility in the DACH-region (German speaking)

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June 2024

Mobycon at Velo-City 2024! 

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June 2024

Mobycon at ITE Canada 2024 Annual Conference! 

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May 2024

Welcome Helene Loy!

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