Research: The safety of protected Intersections and their use case for Germany (2021-2024) Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt)
Together with a partner agency, engineering firm NTS from Münster, Mobycon continued work on work package 3 of the Mobilitätsplan D of the state capital Düsseldorf. This project focused on the development of targeted strategic measures to be completed in this decade, with proposals and measures developed for cycling and traffic safety. Special attention was paid to the further development of Düsseldorf’s cycle parking strategy. The goal of the City is to change the modal split away from the car and towards more cycling, walking, and public transport.
Mobycon contributed to the coordination processes and the discussions between the City and the consortia from the other three work packages to create an integrated, overarching network and sustainable streetscape design for all modes and road users. In the consortium, attention was primarily on designing a network for walking and cycling, but this can only be achieved by an integrated approach to creating networks for all road users. Among other things, recommendations for hierarchical recommendations we developed, aligning road and cycling infrastructure, and linking them to the Dutch principle of “intuitive road design.”
The Masterplan Mobilität was also delivered for the Heinrich-Heine-Universität in the city of Düsseldorf. this included measures to reduce CO2 emissions and improve the attractiveness of the campus. Finally, an evaluation of existing plans for changing tram lines and a cycle highway was conducted.