Mobility Research and Innovation

Staying at the forefront
of mobility innovation

Mobycon aims to be at the forefront of urban mobility innovation.

We are involved in several research-focused innovative European projects, including policy and planning for micromobility, Bicycles and ITS and Mobility as a Service (MaaS). We are also a leading consultant in developing new design methodologies for public space in The Netherlands. We continually use our expertise to adapt Dutch best practices for international contexts, pushing the status quo both domestically and abroad.

This includes:

  • Micromobility Research
  • International best-practice research
  • Traffic Signals
  • Guideline Developments


Accessible Public Space Research in Nijmegen

CrossConnect DACH Intersections Signaling 

Women Mobilize Women

“Cycling For Everyone” Report For The Dutch Ministry Of Infrastructure And Water Management

Lausanne Roundabout Concept Development 

MobyCoach Consulting Program for Canmore, AB

Denmark Cycling Node Network

GIZ Safe Way To School in Batumi

Cycling Policy in Zaanstad 

CROW Pedestrian Crossings 

Developing a Multi-modal Level of Service Guide for Ontario

Potsdam Intersection Safety Analysis 

Research: The safety of protected Intersections and their use case for Germany (2021-2024) Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) 

Safety Review of a Key Downtown Bicycle Facility in Ottawa, ON